Talent shows - interesting aspects and suspicious facts

The original form of talent shows featured lots of activities, like singing, dancing, lip-syncing, acting, performing jokes, martial arts, playing an instrument or just showing off any skills that one has.
Believe it or not, but talent shows were born in the 1980s and the most well-known X Factor was only born in 2004.

America's Got Talent is one of the most followed programmes in America with the peculiarity that none of the current judges come from America (they are actually Canadian, German and British).
According to unknown sources, at the beginning of the birth of social platforms, MySpace was a site on which anyone who posted a worthwhile content could land in the show.
It is also interesting that the most famous America's Got Talent winner is Darci Lynne Farmer with the performance of ventriloquism, who made loads of money in Las Vegas show.

The recent talent shows are blamed with being too scripted and not real at all. Some ex-performers even make videos about the real and nasty side of these programmes. It's up to you to decide if it is true or not. :)


Word list:

  • suspicious - gyanús
  • lip-syncing - playback
  • perform jokes - előadni vicceket
  • martial arts - harcművészet
  • play an instrument - hangszeren játszani
  • show off - felvágni valamivel
  • peculiarity - érdekesség
  • current judges - jelen bírák
  • unknown source - ismeretlen forrás
  • worthwhile - érdemes, érdemleges
  • content - tartalom
  • ventriloquism - bábozás
  • blamed - hibáztat, vádol
  • scripted - megírt
  • nasty side - csúnya oldala
  • It's up to you - tőled függ
  • decide - eldönteni