Wrinkles The Clown - Official Trailer
A documentary movie was created about a real phenomenon that features a retired veteran, who wanted to start a new career and make some extra money. He is often hired to scare people by standing in front of their house for long hours and holding balloons. This movie uncovers the true identity of the creepy clown that entertains himself in a pretty unexpected way. Believe it or not, but now as this whole story started to spread, children have nightmares about the clown.
The problematic side of this job lies in the case, when the retired veteran wa hired to scare a 12-year-old boy, who was hunted down by the clown as he was waiting for the bus. The boy got so scared that he began to weep and ran home.The cruel mother thanked the clown and told him that she keeps telling the boy that if he misbehaves, Mr. Wrinkles returns.
Word list:
Mr. Wrinkles - Mr. Ránc
phenomenon - jelenség
features - szerepeltet
creepy - ijesztő, hátborzongató
retired - nyugalmazott
in an unexpected way - váratlan módon
uncover - felfed
spread - terjed
nightmare - rémálom
clown - bohóc
hire - felvenni valakit, munkáltatni
lies in the case - abban az esetben van a probléma
weep - sírni
cruel - kegyetlen
misbehave - rosszul viselkedik