Angol Tudásbázis

Írta: Angol Tudásbázis komment

A hit biológiája - Interjú Dr. Bruce Liptonnal

Dr. Bruce H. Lipton was born in 1944. He is a developmental psychologist, who was teaching anatomy at the St. George's University School of medicine and one of his books, The Biology of Belief, turned out to be a groundbreaking masterpiece - the first chapter is downloadable. :)

He researched muscular dystrophy, cloned human stem cells, the molecular mechanisms that control cell behavior. Moreover, an experimental tissue transplantation technique was developed by Dr. Lipton and his colleague Dr. Ed Schultz, which was published in the journal Science and it is used in the field of genetic engineering.

0.00-2.00 minute

- gene - kiejtése

- cardiovascular disease - szív- és érrendszeri betegség

- genes pass from the parent to the child - öröklődnek szülőről gyerekre

- victims of our heredity - az örökséged áldozata

- my life is controlled by genes - az életemet a gének irányítják

- above - felett

- our consciousness - a tudatosságunk

- you change your perception, you change your genes - ha a felfogásodat megváltoztatod, megváltoznak a génjeid is



- genes are the cause of disease - a gének a betegség okozói

- less than 10 per cent - kevesebb, mint 10 százalék

- amazing tools - hihetetlen eszközök

- recognize our thoughts are... - felismerni, hogy a gondolataink

- you create problems in your genes - problémákat kreálsz a génjeidben

- you change your perception - ha megváltoztatod a felfogásodat

- conscious and subsonscious mind - tudatos és tudatalatti


4.00-6.00 minute

- good behaviour - jó viselkedés

- in the womb - az anyaméhben

- pregnant - terhes

- abdomen - has

- foetus - magzat

- relationship - kapcsolat

- if you have trouble getting those - ha problémád van annak megszerzésével

- struggle - küzdeni

- you have a program that does not support that destination - uticél


6.00-8.00 minute

- identify what you want - azonosítani hogy mit akarsz

- habit - szokás

- imagination - képzelet

- broom - seprű


8.00-10.00 minute

- you don't deserve this - nem érdemled meg

- I will make mistakes. - Hibázni fogok.

- I will mess up everything. - El fogok rontani mindent.

- upset - mérges

- repeat it - megismételni

- over and over again - újra és újra


10.00-12.00 minute

- change your belief - változtatni a hiten

- perception about life - az életről való felfogás


12.00-14.00 minute

- physics -fizika 

- positive results - pozitív eredmények


14.00-16.00 minute

- What is your recommendation for them? - ajánlás, Mit ajánlasz nekik?

- powerful - erőteljes

- loveable - szerethető

- adopted - örökbefogadott 

- cancer - rák

- breast cancer - mellrák


16.00-18.00 minute

- there is not one gene that causes cancer - nincs egy olyan gén se, amit rákot okozna

- terminal - halálos

- let go of the stress - elengedem a stresszt

- remission - csillapodás, enyhülés


18.00-20.00 minute

- the brain releases hormones - az agy hormonokat bocsát ki 

- fight or flight - 'üss vagy fuss' 

- shut off the immune system - kikapcsolja az immunrendszert 

- sabretooth tiger - kardfogú tigris

- when we first evolved - fejlődtünk


20.00-22.00 minute

- responsible for something - felelős valamiért

- every time I divide - feloszt, megoszt, osztani

- health issues - egészségügyi

- aging - korosodás

- research scientist - kutató

- feedback - visszajelzés

- abuse at home - bántalmazás otthon


22.00-24.00 minute

- gratitude - hála

- retired people - nyugdíjas emberek

- you increase the telomer - meghosszabbítod a telomered

- you mentioned that - említetted hogy

- necessary for life - szükséges az élethez

- we have to find a purpose - találnunk kell egy célt

- reason/cause - ok (az életre)

- the fountain of youth - a fiatalság szökőkútja

- knowledge is power - a tudás hatalom

Talent shows - interesting aspects and suspicious facts

The original form of talent shows featured lots of activities, like singing, dancing, lip-syncing, acting, performing jokes, martial arts, playing an instrument or just showing off any skills that one has.
Believe it or not, but talent shows were born in the 1980s and the most well-known X Factor was only born in 2004.

America's Got Talent is one of the most followed programmes in America with the peculiarity that none of the current judges come from America (they are actually Canadian, German and British).
According to unknown sources, at the beginning of the birth of social platforms, MySpace was a site on which anyone who posted a worthwhile content could land in the show.
It is also interesting that the most famous America's Got Talent winner is Darci Lynne Farmer with the performance of ventriloquism, who made loads of money in Las Vegas show.

The recent talent shows are blamed with being too scripted and not real at all. Some ex-performers even make videos about the real and nasty side of these programmes. It's up to you to decide if it is true or not. :)


Word list:

  • suspicious - gyanús
  • lip-syncing - playback
  • perform jokes - előadni vicceket
  • martial arts - harcművészet
  • play an instrument - hangszeren játszani
  • show off - felvágni valamivel
  • peculiarity - érdekesség
  • current judges - jelen bírák
  • unknown source - ismeretlen forrás
  • worthwhile - érdemes, érdemleges
  • content - tartalom
  • ventriloquism - bábozás
  • blamed - hibáztat, vádol
  • scripted - megírt
  • nasty side - csúnya oldala
  • It's up to you - tőled függ
  • decide - eldönteni

Wrinkles The Clown - Official Trailer

A documentary movie was created about a real phenomenon that features a retired veteran, who wanted to start a new career and make some extra money. He is often hired to scare people by standing in front of their house for long hours and holding balloons. This movie uncovers the true identity of the creepy clown that entertains himself in a pretty unexpected way. Believe it or not, but now as this whole story started to spread, children have nightmares about the clown.

The problematic side of this job lies in the case, when the retired veteran wa hired to scare a 12-year-old boy, who was hunted down by the clown as he was waiting for the bus. The boy got so scared that he began to weep and ran home.The cruel mother thanked the clown and told him that she keeps telling the boy that if he misbehaves, Mr. Wrinkles returns.


Word list

Mr. Wrinkles - Mr. Ránc

phenomenon - jelenség

features - szerepeltet

creepy - ijesztő, hátborzongató

retired - nyugalmazott

in an unexpected way - váratlan módon

uncover - felfed

spread - terjed

nightmare - rémálom

clown - bohóc

hire - felvenni valakit, munkáltatni

lies in the case - abban az esetben van a probléma 

weep - sírni

cruel - kegyetlen

misbehave - rosszul viselkedik

süti beállítások módosítása